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Home » August 2012 Game CommentsAugust 2012 » The Muddy Chicken Laser Show

The Muddy Chicken Laser Show

Dustin Pedroia celebrated his 29th birthday with a three-run blast to left field to give his team a one-run lead in the third. It was Pedroia’s 10th home run this season, making it five years in a row that he has reached double-digit homers. But the Yankees batters proved too formidable and their relievers too wily for the lead to last.

Coincidentally Derek Jeter clouted his 10th home run this season in this game. As the Red Sox work through this low point in their franchise’s history it is telling to compare the transition between Joe Torre and Joe Girardi to that of Terry Francona to Bobby Valentine. Girardi’s first year had the Yankees finished out of the playoffs in third place in the AL East. They rebounded the very next season to win their 27th world championship.

As easy as it is dislike Jeter, he truly is an anchor to this team. Sometimes it’s an anchor pulling down run production, but I digress. How Jeter captained his team through its highs and lows is admirable. Rather than pining after his father figure Pedroia would have done better to emulate his rival’s example of leadership.

Game 120: August 17, 2012
Boston Red Sox
4 L: Franklin Morales (3-4)
2B: Carl Crawford (10)
HR: Dustin Pedroia (10)
WinNew York Yankees
6 W: Phil Hughes (12-10)
H: David Robertson (17)
S: Rafael Soriano (30)
HR: Nick Swisher – 2 (18), Curtis Granderson (31), Russell Martin (13), Derek Jeter (10)

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