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Home » Quirky ThingsSeptember 2007 » Okajima Oki-Doki

Okajima Oki-Doki

Lovers at Fenway

TATAMI’s EP of Red Sox-inspired music called Lovers at Fenway is now available on iTunes.

Every dance song, not just TATAMI’s, seems to follow the same inevitable patterns. I haven’t missed much in the years away from the club scene. That these songs are inspired by a visit to Fenway does lends them a certain charm.

Along with the near-mythic song about the Red Sox set-up man there are three other tracks: “It’s All Right,” “Green Monster,” and “So Para Min (Just For Me).”

Of all the songs I liked the last track the best. A summery morsel, the tune reminded me of “The Girl from Ipanema” by way of Puffy AmiYumi.

On the whole it’s better than “Gyro Ball,” but that’s like saying Alex Cora is better than Royce Clayton.

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