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Home » April 2007 Game CommentsApril 2007 » Shady


Game 23: April 28, 2007
Red Sox 1 L: Tim Wakefield (2-3) 15-8, 1 game losing streak
5-2-1 series record
WinYankees 3 W: Kei Igawa (2-1)
H: Brian Bruney (1)
H: Kyle Farnsworth (2)
S: Mariano Rivera (1)
9-13, 1 game winning streak
2-5-1 series record
Highlights: The “i” [井] in “Igawa” means “well” and the “gawa” [川] means “stream.” “Kei” [慶] means “joy.” The Yankees were joyful that when they visited their shallow well of pitching talent that one of their twirlers were able to stymie the Red Sox. Streams of tears were shed and the Grand Tradition of the Yankees was foisted upon us once again. Alleluia.

Fox is regressing to its old gimmicks. They had a little kid announcing the Red Sox lineup... oh, that’s Dustin Pedroia. Good job, rook.

Jeff Karstens looks like a pitching version of Nick Johnson; a bit less pudgy, but not what you’d call the paradigm of masculine magnetism. The first pitch Karstens threw to Julio Lugo recoiled back to the mound as if drawn to the pitcher’s leg by magnetic force.

Karstens insisted that he was fine and faced the next batter. The youngster surrendered a line drive to Kevin Youkilis and was immediately pulled in favor of the previously unimpressive Kei Igawa.

Except Igawa, cloaked with his sunglasses, pitched competently. He lasted six innings and only gave up two hits while walking four and striking out six. It was his second quality start, the first coming against Cleveland on April 18.

The Yankees bullpen rose to the occasion; Brian Bruney, Kyle Farnsworth, and Mariano Rivera combined for three innings of work. Only Farnsworth gave up an earned run.

Tim Wakefield came within two outs of a quality start. The knuckleballer was once again deserted by his offense, which left 10 on base.

One member of the New York club was achingly desperate, however. Bobby Abreu had bunt attempts in the third and fifth. I repeat, Abreu, who bats third in that potent lineup, tried to bunt twice. In sum the Yankees left 12 men stranded.

Bruce Froemming made himself more of the game than he should have. In the late innings, perhaps smarting from being pelted by foul shots or hunger pains, called the outside strike a little more outside than one Red Sox player would have preferred. With men on first and second and two out, Coco Crisp had the first two pitches away called as strikes against him. Farnsworth needed only to work him away because Crisp had to protect against the outside.

Crisp hurled his helmet and bat when Froemming called the final strike against him. The newly-coiffed Crisp was ejected and may face suspension.

Today is the rubber game, but even if the Red Sox drop this game and the series, the best result the Yankees will have is tied for last while Boston will still hold the division lead.

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