Divine, Enshrine, Combine
Keep On Trucking
It was more like Plow and Truck Day due to this weekend’s blizzard, but it was a magnificent sight nonetheless. Monolithic moving trucks lined up along Van Ness Street to receive the team’s equipment and transport it to Fort Myers. The semis don’t just carry the mundane bats, balls, and rubbing mud, but also the burden of fans’ expectations for another season that will see their club in the playoffs.
Sports Illustrated’s John Donovan projects the Red Sox to finish third in the AL East behind the Yankees and Blue Jays. He bases his prediction on the flux caused by the completely revamped infield as well as the question marks that hover over Curt Schilling and Keith Foulke. What I find questionable about Donovan’s logic to me is that he states these pitchers’ statistics from 2005 and presumes that it is a trend rather an anomaly. In my view, the injuries Schilling and Foulke sustained were the primary cause of their poor showings, although the Red Sox closer also seemed to have some mental issues that exacerbated the physical ones.
Just do what R. Crumb says and keep on truckin’.
Shine On
The Red Sox Hall of Fame welcomes seven new members for its 2006 class:
- Gerald Peter Remy, 2B, 1979-84
- Vernon Decatur Stephens, SS, 1948-51
- Ellis Kinder, RHP, 1948-55
- George “The Boomer” Scott, 1B, 1966-71, '77-79
- Joe Morgan, manager, 1988-91
- Dick Williams, manager, 1967-69
- Dick Bresciani, Red Sox Vice President, Publications and Archives
Rink Synch
Rather than renovators Fenway Park will play host to Boston College hockey in December of 2006. The idea had its origins in the Fenway Sports Group, a Red Sox venture between the MLB team and the university to help the later with garnering leverage with both fans and corporations. The collaboration also publicized BC’s switch from the Big East to the Atlantic Coast Conference. No wonder Doug Flutie got those exceptional foulball seats last season!
This refactoring of Fenway reminds me of the pictures you can find at the Boston Public Library’s Sports Temples of Boston of the field being used for football.
Actually, college hockey divisions are a little different than the rest of NCAA, and BC is in Hockey East (there is no hockey ACC or Big East) with most of the Metro Boston and New England teams. Hockey East is probably the strongest hockey division in the country, with BC, BU, UNH and Maine all upper-eschelon teams. Northeastern is currently not quite in that class... proud owners of a 2-20-6 record (second win came last friday, w00t!)
Even though the odds of Northeasten getting to play at Fenway are next to nil, I'm still excited about this prospect. After all, some of the best sporting experiences I have are from "The Dog Pound" in Matthews Arena.
NU50 ∙ 14 February 2006 ∙ 9:30 AM
NU50, is that where you learned your famed "sad puppy-dog eyes" tactic?
I think you over-interpreted what I wrote, by the way. The Fenway Sports group has so far accomplished two separate things: opening up the possibility of having hockey at Fenway and promoting the transition of BC from the Big East to the ACC. I did not mean to imply that this transition included hockey.
∙ 14 February 2006 ∙
2:37 PM
Pay no attention to the man with only a limited ability to reason. Your high minded concepts of "grammar", "syntax", and "understanding through reading" are completely foreign to me. I only manage to make it through life due to my helpful full time personal assistant, who gives me treats when I succesfully complete tasks such as "recognizing shapes" and "pushing the button next to the activated light".
NU50 ∙ 14 February 2006 ∙ 4:08 PM
Holy crap. I will be looking at those pics for hours and hours. Thank you. I recently was flipping around on TV, and went by a shot of a football player running down the sidelines. After I turned away, I realized I'd just seen the Green Monster in the background. I flipped back and caught the triangle and the bleachers in the background. In color, by the way. I'd like to get my hands all existing footage of Football Fenway.
On page 4, check out picture st10219 "Big crowd at Fenway poses for photographer." What's the deal? And where's the pic taken from? I think someone climbed Pesky's Pole halfway to get that shot of the bleachers section 42. That would explain the angle and the fact that everyone knows there's a photographer there taking their picture. What do you think?
jere ∙ 14 February 2006 ∙ 7:58 PM
Classic Fenway pics. The pic of Scotty and Mikey Andrews brings back some long distant memories. Maybe a previous life. Maybe not.
Peter*N ∙ 15 February 2006 ∙ 10:56 AM