Burrowing in the B-List
Jims Beattie and Bowden have impressed the Red Sox executives enough to warrant second interviews. These major league executive veterans (read: retreads) seem to have been given the nod over my preferred candidate Kim Ng. So, the Red Sox get Richard Carlson and Peter Cushing instead of Cate Blanchett or Harrison Ford their 2006 release of Still, Feverish, We Believe.
Forgive me while I try and hide how blasé I am by these choices. It seems that Red Sox management believes that hiring other teams’ tried and tired leftovers will avoid further public relations mishaps. It’s difficult to get worked up over such banal options. The Bs, Bowden and Beattie, provide the bromide needed for the management team’s image. Fans might need the same should either oldtimer be tapped for the position.