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Home » HumorSeptember 2005 » New Nike Ad Campaign

New Nike Ad Campaign


Disappointed by the lukewarm response to their “Find Your Game Face” campaign of earlier this year, Nike has secured Alex Rodriguez as the primary focus for their next advertising push.

“A-Rod combines just the right mix of humor and intensity that strongly appeals to our primary demographics,” said a Nike spokesperson. “Everything he does seems to bring a smile to the faces of fans near and far.”

Nike envisions a line of accessories, such as handbags, to be launched with the A-Rod ad blitz. “That A-Rod is so hot right now,” explained the spokesperson.

Special thanks to Joe a.k.a. gerky for the image, inspired by this thread at redsoxnation.net (free registration required).


Y'know, if you hadn't clipped the toe off the right cleat, I'd have believed it was a real ad. And a much better one the weird masks.

That's awesome. I was laughing my ass off today when he pulled that horseshit.

About October: A-Rod will have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river when he's livin' in a van down by the river, if you catch my drift.

I agree, twitch. But unfortunately, the right cleat was cut off in the image that I used for it. Otherwise, it would look quite real.

The best part is the lady in the front row using ARod's butt to try and hold him up. She was so copping a feel.


You know, if they were inexpensive enough, I'll bet there actually would be some kind of market for A-Rod handbags in the Boston area.

Given some of his (slappy hand) antics on the field, how is a picture of his ass not the embodiment of him "finding his game face"?

I don't think Rodriguez appeciates being the butt of jokes like that one, Kid T.

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