You might wonder how I go about writing a game post. Or not. At any rate, here are my incomplete notes (I was reading at the same time) from the game that never was and might never be.
Game X: August 14, 2005
White Sox (74-41), 5
Red Sox (67-47), 3
?: Orlando Hernandez (8-5)
?: Matt Clement (11-3)
One sock, two sox. White Sox, true Sox. How can you have the nickname “White Sox” but still have an alternate logo with only a single sock?
Adam Stern made awesome catch for 2nd out of the 1st inning.
3rd: Clement is looking bad. Gets to 2 strikes and can’t put them away. Hope this rain doesn’t let up.
Walked Uribe. Carl Everett single. Paul Konerko double.
Blum can’t make a play on fly ball played with the wind hit by Kapler. Rowand ends up fielding it. Blum is looking silly wearing sticker eye black rather than real eye black. Does he think he’s an NFL running back?
Stern gets a hit.
Cora hits off the wall.
Graffanino hits as well. Ortiz grounds into double play to end the inning.
Yay, Joe Silva, player’s parking lot guy.
4th: Home run by Dye.
Stern tried hard on a Blum fly ball, but the ball hit the heel of his glove as he dove.
Cora makes throw to 3rd as Mueller shifts over to get Widger, the lead runner, out. Widger is a former Yankee, so, ha.

The logo's other sock was lost in a horrible laundry accident. Bleach all over the place, man.
twitch124 ∙ 15 August 2005 ∙ 10:24 AM
Must have been from trying to turn the black socks back into white.
Empyreal ∙ 15 August 2005 ∙ 11:49 AM
ooh, good one. At least they fished one of the socks out of the lint screen of infamy.
twitch124 ∙ 15 August 2005 ∙ 3:01 PM
Now if they could only wash away their pinstripes.
Andrew ∙ 15 August 2005 ∙ 3:35 PM
Swede Risberg stole it.
Fiskian Pole Shot ∙ 15 August 2005 ∙ 7:45 PM