August Glory
‘Ewa Beach won the Little League World Championship title with a flourish of excitement. The Hawai‘i team went into the bottom of the 6th and final inning trailing by 3 runs. They rallied back to tie the score and force the first extra inning title game since 1971. Vonn Fe‘ao, who was able to pitch the major league equivalent of 101 MPH, shut down Curaçao in the top of the 7th, setting the stage for a remarkable comeback. On the 3-2 pitch, Michael Memea hit the tournament’s only walk-off homer and the first championship-winning dinger in Little League history.
Congratulations to the ‘Ewa Beach team and their families. I noticed that many players cited Red Sox champions as their favorite players. The way the Hawaiians never gave up is a tribute to the undying faith that carries teams on the verge of elimination, like Boston and ‘Ewa Beach, to victory.

Yay! Go Hawai'i!
twitch124 ∙ 29 August 2005 ∙ 1:27 PM
Did you get to watch it, twitch? It was a great game, like the ALCS scaled down in size and scope.
Vonn showed more than a little chutzpah at one point, staring down an opposing player and saying, as closely as my limited lip-reading skills can approximate, "What you staring at, boy?" Kids like Fe'ao scared me when I was little. Moreso when they are able to throw heat.
Empyreal ∙ 29 August 2005 ∙ 7:23 PM
I didn't get to see it. I just moved into a new apartment and can't have cable until my landlord, Comcast, and the building's wiring sort out their differences.
So all I saw were pictures. I was really impressed by the range of sizes of kids on the team. Some of them looked like 8 year olds and some of them could pass for 15. I'd forgotten that the little league world series is real little league teams, not some kind of regional best players thing.
twitch124 ∙ 30 August 2005 ∙ 4:04 PM
Hawaii is da best! Represent. I tell all da girls in da mainland " yeah told you da local hawaiian boys cuter then the howlie boys".
Nohelani Agae ∙ 25 October 2005 ∙ 3:01 PM
Hi Nohelani. You reminded me of this Na Leo Pilimehana song:
Blue eyes and blondey don't thrill me
'Cause I'm in love with the local boys
Don't try to convince me
Because the local boys are no ka oi
From "Local Boys"
Empyreal ∙ 25 October 2005 ∙ 4:03 PM